Advent Giving Trees are located in the vestibules of each of our churches. You may take one of the “decorations” on the tree and return it with your gift during the Advent season to the parish office or the collection basket when it is passed during Mass. Your donations will be divided evenly between the following three Christ the King Parish ministries:
The Hope for Haiti Committee continues to work in Christ the King Parish to support our community’s growth in Christian discipleship and solidarity through empowering the poor in Haiti and beyond, especially through educational initiatives and grassroots partnerships. As in previous years, the Giving Tree funds contributed by parishioners support Catholic schoolchildren in St. Marc, Haiti (currently 10 children sponsored per year), through the Mortel High Hopes for Haiti Foundation, as well as other school needs and adult education programs at the Mortel schools. This year, the portion of the Giving Tree donations received by the Hope for Haiti Committee will continue these Mortel Foundation sponsorships, as well as benefiting other organizations with similar missions and values in Haiti.
Christ the King’s outreach to feed the community: Each month, the generous parishioners of Christ the King Parish cook and serve 60-75 meals for two homeless shelters in the Pittsburgh area: the women’s shelter at Bethlehem Haven on the first Wednesday of each month, and the men’s shelter at Community House on the fourth Saturday of each month. As one of our regular volunteer opportunities, the Youth Ministry program helps prepare a meal for the families at Family House, which provides a special “home away from home” for patients who are in Pittsburgh seeking medical treatment, and their families.
Christ the King’s conference of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul: September 30 marked the end of the first year of our consolidated St. Vincent de Paul Societies. Because of your generous donations, collected through monthly envelopes, poor boxes, and the Advent Giving Tree, $52,000 has been disbursed to aid people in need within our parish boundaries. These monies helped over 120 individuals to remain in their homes or apartments, prevent utility shut-offs, receive basic furniture needs, and obtain bus passes for transportation.
We have also addressed the food needs of about 60 households through a monthly distribution of groceries at the Sharpsburg Food Pantry located in the basement of St. Mary’s Church. The Pantry, operated by volunteers both from our parish and other churches, provides needed canned goods, fresh produce, dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, paper products, laundry and cleaning products, and personal hygiene items. The Pantry is supported by individual contributions and grants, financial support from other churches, food drives, the baskets in our church entrances and those of some of our neighboring churches, and our affiliation with the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. And, this year, the produce from the parish garden! This past year it has cost $60,000 to operate the pantry.
If you are seeking a tangible way to practice your faith, please join us in this ministry. Come to the pantry between 8:30 and 10 am on Tuesdays or the third Thursday of the month. Attend a meeting. The Church Bulletin will have the date and time . Or call or text and leave a message at 412- 254-4446 or email us at [email protected]. We will get back to you. We thank you for your financial support. There are many of our neighbors who need your help.
The manger scene has a special place near the Christmas tree or in another place where family members can reflect and pray during the Christmas season. It may be blessed each year on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
All make the sign of the cross.
Leader: We are at the beginning of the days of Christmas. All through the season we will look on these images of sheep and cattle, of shepherds, of Mary and of Joseph and Jesus.
Reading: Luke 2: 1-7. All respond: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
The figure of the Christ Child may be placed in the manger. All join in prayers of intercession and in the Lord’s Prayer.
Leader: Pray now for God’s blessing as we look on these figures. God of Mary and Joseph, of shepherds and animals, bless us whenever we gaze on this manger scene. Through all the days of Christmas may these figures tell the story of how humans, angels, and animals found Christ in this poor place. Fill our house with hospitality, joy, gentleness, and thanksgiving and guide our steps in the way of peace. Amen.
Close by singing your favorite hymn or Christmas carol.
—Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers published by the USCCB.
Epiphany Blessing of the Home
—The traditional date of Epiphany is January 6, but in the United States it is celebrated on the
Sunday between January 2 and January 8—
Celebrate Epiphany by using chalk to mark your door (or the space above or next to your door) with:
20 + C + M + B + 25
The numbers represent the new year, and the letters in the middle represent both the Latin phrase “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” (“May Christ bless this house”) as well as the names of the wise men (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar). It serves as a reminder to your family and all guests who pass through your door to seek Christ each day and share His light and love with everyone you meet.
After you mark your door, use this prayer to bless your home. You may end the celebration by singing a suitable song, for example “O Come, All Ye Faithful” or “We Three Kings.”
Lord God of heaven and earth,
You revealed your only begotten Son
to every nation by the guidance of a star.
Bless this house and all who inhabit it.
Fill us with the light of Christ,
That our concern for others may reflect your love.
May Christ Jesus dwell with us,
keep us from all harm,
and make us one in mind and heart,
now and forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen