Our vision for religious education for students in grades K-8 is to provide an environment in which our Faith Formation team and parents work together to foster learning about our Catholic Faith with our children and accompany them in developing personal relationships with Christ. By leading through the example of our strong commitment to our Catholic faith, we demonstrate that the journey of faith is a lifelong journey that is strenghthened within our parish community.
We will begin the year on Catechetical Sunday, September 15th. All families are invited to join us for Mass at 11:00 AM in Saint Joseph Church. After Mass, families are invited to share in fellowship, ask questions about the program, and meet the catechists.
From October through April, our family-based Faith Formation program will meet monthly on Sundays following the 11:00 AM Mass or Wednesday evenings following the 6:00 PM Mass at St. Joseph Church. After we share in the celebration of Mass we will gather for hospitality and catechesis for the family, which will include family activities as well as breakout sessions by age group. Each family will utilize our new textbook, Finding God from Loyola Press, along with it's digital resources to guide student learning for the rest of the month.
Here's an example of a Sunday session schedule:
11:00 AM- 12:00 PM Mass
12:00 PM-12:10 PM Gather/review (all)
12:10 PM-12:20 PM Opening activity (all)
12:20 PM-1:30 PM Break-out sessions (adults, K-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th, 6th-8th)
The registration fee is $65.00 per student, max $220 per family.
Please note: Faith Formation programming will always operate with an abundance of caution and in compliance with any CDC, Federal, State, County, and Diocesan regulations that are issued for our safety. Although we are hopeful that our programming will operate as planned, we appreciate your patience and cooperation should changes be necessary to ensure the health and safety of your family, our staff, and our volunteers. We
We have made every effort to follow the Fox Chapel schedule in planning our calendar. If there is a need to cancel any of our sessions or move them to a virtual format (Zoom), we will send a notification through our Flocknote system. However, WE DO NOT follow Fox Chapel School District in decisions regarding school closings.