New Parishioner Registration
Click HERE to download the form
Click HERE to register online
Mass Intention & Sanctuary Candle Requests
Click HERE to download the form
Click HERE to request a Candle online
Baptism/Confirmation Sponsor Request Form
If you are asked to be a godparent or confirmation sponsor, congratulations! It is truly an honor and responsibility to help guide the faith formation of someone you love. As a sponsor, you are expected to be a strong Christian witness to your loved one and to believe, profess, and live by the teachings of Jesus Christ as taught by the Catholic Faith in addition to regular participation at Mass and contributing to the work of the parish. Therefore, as a sponsor you must obtain a certificate of eligibility from your current parish verifying that you are a practicing Catholic in good standing and have received the Sacraments of Initiation. If you are a registered member of Christ the King Parish, please complete the Sponsor Request form and return it to the parish office.
Click HERE to download the form
Funeral Planning Booklet
Faith Formation Calendar 2024-25
Safe Environment Letter to Parents
Youth Service Hours Form