Our mission is to advance what Pope John Paul II has called "the most important work of all" –preserving the sanctity of all human life. This Committee cooperates with the Diocesan Social Awareness Office. Activities of the Committee include Baptism presentations, an annual Mass for People with a Disability, voter drives, collections for Birthright and Genesis, Life Chain on Respect Life Sunday, and organizing an annual bus to the March For Life in Washington, D.C. We meet monthly on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30pm in the Saint Scholastica Pastoral Center. All Meetings are open and all are welcome to attend any Meeting to learn the current pro-life news.
Contact: Cathy Zuza
E-mail: [email protected]
Schedule: Fr. Duch Pastoral Center (Saint Scholastica) on the third Thursday of each month (7:30pm)
Jesus calls us to love one another. Christ the King Parish is offering an opportunity to share this love with women struggling with an unexpected pregnancy and moms without the means to support their children. Everyone in our parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need! This new Walking with Moms in Need program will identify and publicize local resources for pregnant and parenting moms in our neighborhood.
Read/listen to WWMIN on You-Tube and on their website, walkingwithmoms.com. We need help from the entire parish to make this a successful outreach!
To volunteer, contact Cathy Zuza at [email protected]