Our Prayer for
Christ the King Parish
Heavenly Father,
our hearts are open to you
as we discover the mystery of your love
at work in our lives.
Help us to rediscover each day
the power of that same love
through the sacred gift of our Catholic faith.
Jesus our Lord,
in baptism we connect our lives with you
as disciples.
Help us to reconnect each day
and allow our faith life
to be nourished by your Word and Sacrament
through the prayer
of our weekly attendance at Mass.
Holy Spirit,
breathe into us faith, hope and love
as we commit ourselves
to a new and bold Pentecost.
Help us to recommit each day
through our energy and resources
to the life of our parish community.
Give us the grace
to rediscover,
to reconnect
and to recommit
to all that is good and holy.
You are God forever and ever.